Happy holidays!
Following the election, I've spent a lot of time reflecting on what the results of the election mean for government effectiveness and for my work.
It is reasonable to assume with one party control of all three branches of government that we can expect a higher volume of legislation and much less gridlock than we have been accustomed to seeing. So, from a "productivity" perspective, we can expect a more effective government.
A key question is whether voter trust and satisfaction will improve, particularly given the fact that 48% of the electorate voted for the losing candidate.
As we approach the next two to four years, I'll be viewing my quest for a more effective government through a slightly changed lens. Although the specific nature of my work and my overall approach may change, the objectives remain unchanged. How our government works and the ability of our elected officials to solve important problems is critical for the future of our country.
I have begun joint conversations with Braver Angels and Voice of the People on a local pilot that would incorporate Voice of the People's public consultation methodology into Braver Angels' civil discourse conversations. I will provide updates on this exciting work in future newsletters.
In the runup to the election I shared Poynter's teen focused media literacy curriculum (suitable for all ages) and shared a great resource from Issue One on How Elections Work.
Wishing you and your family a safe and restful holiday season.
I'll be back in touch next year!