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Speak up for good government.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Although family and friends are first in the list of things I am thankful for, I am also very thankful for the American people and our democracy. The midterm election was a true testament to both!

In the recent election there was robust voter turnout. And although voters indicated greater trust in Republicans to manage most of the issues that were top of mind when they cast their ballots (see NBC news exit poll), much of the electorate rejected Republicans that are "election deniers".

Despite the encouraging news for our democracy, there are continuing threats, and the public remains extremely dissatisfied with both parties.

Third Way, a center-left "national think tank" published an interesting paper that indicates that voters feel that the Democratic party is out-of-touch with their priorities, and both parties are too extreme.

With divided government on the horizon for the next two years, respect for opposing views, a commitment to problem solving, and a true partnership between our lawmakers and their constituents are as important as ever.

Voice of the People continues to prove that there is common ground on divisive issues such as abortion and Social Security. They have recently partnered with ActiVote, a unique app that brings information about elections, issues, and elected officials to your smartphone. I encourage you to download the app and check it out. ActiVote facilitates easy access to valuable information on important issues, and it supports consultation and partnership between our elected officials and their constituents.

I am very excited about the progress the Center for Electoral Quality and Integrity is making. I will share updates on their work in either my December or January newsletter.

Have a safe and happy holiday season.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in a role or persona and simply have a good time. Given how close we are to the mid-term elections I find some irony given the roles and personas being portrayed by many of the candidates for office!

In contrast to the enjoyment I get out of Halloween, I continue to be disgusted by the barrage of political ads and commercials we get this time of year. They are frequently misleading, stoke anger and hatred, and provide little value for those truly trying to understand ideology, qualifications, or priorities of candidates and political parties.

Elected officials do extremely important work, and they're supposed to be working for us. Would you make a major purchase or hire someone to work on your home based on a commercial or other advertisement? In addition to the money being spent on campaigns, a significant amount of time is spent raising money for the campaigns. All of this time and money provides limited benefit to all of us.

Ad spending made up more than half of campaign expenditures in the 2020 election cycle (nearly $8.5 billion). Here's a link to an Open Secrets web page with additional details, including reported spending, to date, for the 2022 mid-term elections, and expenditures from previous election cycles.

The value of debates is diminishing because candidates either evade or don't truthfully answer questions, and many are avoiding debates altogether. Editorial board reviews and subsequent endorsements are an excellent resource, but many local newspapers no longer have the resources to continue this practice. Here's a link to a "letter from the editor" of the Cleveland Plain Dealer that provides more insight into the endorsement process. Of particular interest is that this process provides an effective and impartial way of finding out candidates' positions on key issues.

What if the information to evaluate candidates and political parties were available in a simple, easy to use format? Would this reduce the value of political advertisements and reduce the need for candidates to raise money? Is this a viable way to reduce money in politics and significantly reduce conflicts of interest?

Given the limited time most of us have to research and truly understand the policies and priorities of candidates and political parties, a simple "at a glance" format as illustrated in this spreadsheet should be considered. I would love your feedback on this concept.

As mentioned in last month's newsletter, I watched the US and the Holocaust over the Jewish High Holidays. I continue to be alarmed by the many parallels between the Nazi takeover of Germany and the current political climate. When outsiders and opposing views are demonized and when truth is challenged, it weakens our country and our democracy.

In landslide elections 40% of voters have opposing views. For our democracy and society to truly function as I believe most of us would like it to, we need to take the time to understand and respect views that differ from our own. As I continue on this journey, I become increasingly less concerned about political ideology and increasingly focused on upholding and promoting the eight principles that guide my work.

In next month's newsletter I will provide updates on work done by Voice of the People to promote partnership with the public and work by the Center for Electoral Quality and Integrity to promote free and fair elections.

If you haven't already done so, please be sure to vote!

Have a great month.


The 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Jewish high holidays represent a time for reflection.

I am not very religious and rarely go to temple. However, I do try to uphold Jewish traditions and my worldview is strongly impacted by the fact that I'm the son of a Holocaust survivor.

The Jewish high holidays, which began yesterday at sundown, are a time for Jews to atone for their sins and reflect on what they can do in the upcoming year to be better people.

A common theme both from 9/11 and the Holocaust is "never forget".

As I watch Ken Burns' The U.S. and the Holocaust, I will be reflecting on lessons learned from both 9/11 and the Holocaust and how they apply to our democracy. This timeline of events from the U.S. Holocaust Museum website provides a quick and easy-to-read summary of the deterioration of Germany from parliamentary democracy to an autocracy that sanctioned the persecution, imprisonment, and torture of "dangerous" groups and "non-Aryan" Germans. This article summarizes the more than 400 decrees and regulations that dismantled the German democracy and advanced and codified the discriminatory Nazi agenda.

During the high holidays, I will also reflect on the importance of respect and empathy. Earlier this month, I had a very difficult situation with someone who I'm very close to. The situation ended in disappointment for both of us, but I believe we did accept and respect each other's decisions. The situation would've been even more difficult if we focused our energy on trying to "persuade" each other. My personal takeaway is to respect and try to understand different perspectives. This approach is particularly important in our current climate of polarization and very deeply held attitudes and convictions. Such an approach minimizes conflict and fosters collaboration and cooperation.

In the same spirit, as we approach the mid-term elections, I encourage everyone to protect and support our democracy by educating themselves on the issues and candidates that are on the ballot, rather than relying on misleading commercials and sound bites aired by both parties. Take a few minutes to truly research candidates' records and what they stand for, and learn how to spot and handle online misinformation.

A review of polling by the Brookings Institute shows that misinformation is one of the leading drivers of erosion of trust in our democracy. We all need to play our part in combating this trend. More on this topic in next month's newsletter.

Have a great month.


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